: @SYSCONFDIR@/@EBN@.@EBN@rc - " Modify to taste. " : : " The author of this file, J.A. Neitzel , " : " hereby grants it to the public domain. " : : " From: https://etsh.nl/examples " : trap : 1 2 3 13 14 15 ; : " Ignore HUP, INT, QUIT, PIPE, ALRM, and TERM. " trap : 18 21 22 ; : " Ignore job-control signals: TSTP, TTIN, TTOU " set F @SYSCONFDIR@/@EBN@.@EBN@rc : fd2 -e echo "debug: Executing `$F' now..." if { printenv TERM >/dev/null } goto TermIsSet fd2 -e echo "$F: TERM unset: defaulting to TERM=vt100" setenv TERM vt100 : fallthrough : TermIsSet printenv TERM | wc -c | tr -d ' ' | grep '^1$' >/dev/null if $? -eq 1 goto TermIsSet1 fd2 -e echo "$F: TERM invalid: defaulting to TERM=vt100" setenv TERM vt100 : fallthrough : TermIsSet1 : verbose true set D /tmp/@EBN@-$u-$$ if ! { mkdir -m 0700 $D } goto HOST+H-Done uname -n | sed 's,\([^.]*\).*,setenv HOST \1,' >$D/HOST . $D/HOST ( echo -n set H \" ; \ printenv HOST | tr -d \\n ; echo \" ) >$D/SetH . $D/SetH rm -rf $D : HOST+H-Done : verbose false : " ==== Begin PATH ==== " set X "@PREFIX@" ; : " etsh install PREFIX " : : " The following sets up the user's PATH, searching for and prepending - " : " $h/bin, (/usr/local|$h)/v6bin, and $X/libexec/$v/etsh " : " - if found. $v == etsh version; $h == HOME (aka ~). " : unset Z S D C B A set A '' ; set B '' ; set C '' : fd2 -e echo "1: \$p == $p" set Z $p : : " Add $h/bin if it exists as a searchable directory. " : set D $h/bin echo $Z | grep $D: >/dev/null if $? -eq 0 goto Jump if ! \( -n "$h" -a -d "$h" -a -d $D -a -x $D \) goto Jump set C $D : fallthrough : Jump : fallthrough : : " Add (/usr/local|$h)/v6bin if it exists as a searchable directory. " : set D /usr/local/v6bin echo $Z | grep $D: >/dev/null if $? -eq 0 goto Jump1 if ! \( -d $D -a -x $D \) goto Jump1 set B $D goto Jump1-Done : Jump1 set D $h/v6bin echo $Z | grep $D: >/dev/null if $? -eq 0 goto Jump1-Done if ! \( -n "$h" -a -d "$h" -a -d $D -a -x $D \) goto Jump1-Done set B $D : fallthrough : Jump1-Done : fallthrough : : " Add $X/libexec/$v/etsh if it exists as a searchable directory. " : " Otherwise, print an error message. " : set D $X/libexec/$v/etsh echo $Z | grep $D: >/dev/null if $? -eq 0 goto Jump2 if ! \( -d $D -a -x $D \) goto LibexecError set A $D : fallthrough : Jump2 goto Continue : LibexecError - " In short, this means the installed etsh package is broken. " fd2 -e echo "$F: $D: not found as a searchable directory" : fallthrough : Continue - " ==== PATH - The following can turn into a big no-op. ==== " set S '' if -z "$A" goto NoA set S $A: : fallthrough : NoA if -z "$B" goto NoB set S $S$B: : fallthrough : NoB if -z "$C" goto NoC set S $S$C: : fallthrough : NoC if -z "$S" goto NoS set Z $S$p : fallthrough : NoS : fd2 -e echo "-: \$Z == $Z" setenv PATH $Z : fd2 -e echo "2: \$p == $p" : fd2 -e echo "debug: PATH == $p" unset A B C D F S X Z : " ==== End PATH ==== " trap - 1 2 3 13 14 15 ; : " Reset the ignored, non-job-control signals. "