: $h/.@EBN@.login - " Modify to taste. " : : " The author of this file, J.A. Neitzel , " : " hereby grants it to the public domain. " : : " From: https://etsh.nl/examples " : : fd2 -e echo "debug: Executing `"$h/.@EBN@.login"' now..." : " OpenBSD: Using /etc/man.conf is preferable to setting MANPATH if possible. " : setenv MANPATH $h/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/X11R6/man:/usr/local/man : " But in the ^^^^^^ case, MANPATH is the better way (assuming you need " : " or want your $h/man to remain private). " alias logout '(trap)|if { grep "^trap : 1$">/dev/null } fd2 -e echo "SIGHUP ignored - Type an EOT (^D) instead";trap : 1;(trap)|if ! { grep "^trap : 1$">/dev/null } fd2 -e echo "SIGHUP ignored - Type an EOT (^D) instead";kill -HUP $$;false' source etshdir $$ : " Print a message or two at login time (to standard error). " fd2 -e echo ; fd2 -e date '+%A, %Y-%m-%d, %T %Z' ; fd2 -e echo fd2 -e if -x /usr/games/fortune /usr/games/fortune -s : zero status